Too much fun at our Laughs + Moves workshop!
Our last workshop of 2020 was a real giggle-fest. Seriously though! We partnered with Alka Bromiley who is trained in Laughter Therapy. She had us chuckling and feeling like we were all together even though the workshop was virtual.
Alka started us off with some great perspectives to think about and stimulating breathing and of course laughter exercises! We all couldn’t help but allow the positive giggly vibes to infiltrate our bodies and spread out to each other even through the interwebs.
What a fun and playful way to end the year, and such a groovy group that came together just looking for a little connection and lightness to finish out 2020. If you’re wishing you could have made it, you’re in real luck because a recorded version of this workshop is up on our on demand library so you can pop it on whenever you need a good chuckle and boogie.