One great way to boost your mood!

May is mental health awareness month, an although we’ve come a long way, there is still work to be done in spreading awareness and releasing the stigma that has been long attached to mental health issues. These issues aren’t just about the struggles of a single person, but the struggles of communities, especially those facing systemic oppression. There are deep rooted problems, and awareness and knowledge are the first steps. Don’t we all want a world where everyone can pursue happiness and thrive far beyond just trying to survive on a day to day basis?

Starting with some practical ideas, we can seek out mental health organizations that we want to support, and we can do a deeper dive of our own mental health. There shouldn’t be any shame in reflection, and understanding of who we are, what our patterns are, and how we communicate. This is all such valuable information to have about ourselves so we can move through the world with maybe a little more emotional intelligence.

This can all be hard work, so at the end of the day, we do need to find activities that can help navigate our minds away from anxious thoughts, and provide some therapeutic relief. Taking time for ourselves to be silly, have fun, get creative, connect with other people, and just move out bodies can be so beneficial to our overall wellbeing! That’s why we’ve created a special Mood Booster workshop, and provided you with SO many opportunities to partake in it. If you’re short on time you can groove along to the 11 minute mini-version posted above. If you want to dive a little deeper, but you’re not ready to head out into the world, you can get access to the full workshop over at our on demand workshop library. But if you’re feeling ready to re-enter the world, you can join us at our IN PERSON version of the Mood Booster workshop next Tuesday the 25th in LA. Sign up here to get a boost!


Feeling boosted after our last workshop!


Mover Monday: Janet Rodenhouse